How to report an ad ?

Reporting a suspicious ad on Bazarafrique helps maintain a quality platform for all users.

1 min read

It may happen that some users post ads that violate the rules of Bazarafrique. If you come across such an ad, it is important to report it to the Bazarafrique moderators in order to keep the platform safe for all users.

Report an ad

Here are the steps to follow to report an ad on Bazarafrique:

  1. Open the Bazarafrique application and log in to your account.
  1. Go to the ad you wish to report.
  1. Click on the three dots at the top right of the ad.
  1. Select the "Report to Moderators" option.
  1. Select a reason for reporting from the options provided: Spam, Fraud, Already sold, Duplicate, Wrong category, Discrimination, Counterfeit or Other.
  1. If you wish, you may add additional details to explain why you are reporting the ad. (optional, unless the reason chosen is "Other")
  1. Click "Submit" to submit the report.

It is important to note that the moderators of Bazarafrique check each report in order to take the appropriate measures to guarantee the quality of the platform.

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